.22 Caliber Plinking Range
The .22 caliber plinking range is set up for you to relax and have fun with your .22 rimfire rifles and pistols while popping various plates, spinners, swinging targets, and other steel silhouette targets at 25 and 50 yards. There is also a backdrop for hanging paper targets at 25 yards. The club asks that all members clean up after themselves by policing up their spent brass casings, regardless of caliber, and placing them in the trash or brass bins as appropriate. Shooters should also be sure to remove any targets after they are done shooting.

Range Rules: .22 Caliber Plinking
General Rules for “All” Ranges apply.
.22 Rimfire ammunition only. No hyper high velocity ammo.
Rifles and Pistols allowed.
Place targets on provided target frames, not on target stand posts.
No shooting at cans, bottles, or exploding targets.
Reset silhouette targets when finished.
Clean up and take your trash when finished.
General Range Rules (Apply To All Ranges)
Eye and ear protection are required for any firearm shooting.
No one may be forward of the firing line when someone is shooting.
No one may handle a firearm when someone is in front of the firing line.
All shooting must be done behind the firing line.
Shooters must cease fire and unload when requested to do so by other members for the purpose of checking
targets or a potential safety issue. -
Empty chamber indicators must be placed in the action of any firearm when not shooting. (With the exception
of muzzeloading guns.) -
No glass bottles, cans or explosive targets.
No tracer or incendiary ammunition on any range.
No human likeness targets are allowed. IPSC, USPSA, and IDPA competition targets are allowed.
Firearms may be loaded with no more than 10 rounds.
All ranges close at 7 PM on meeting nights.
Shooting hours at all outdoor ranges are: 8:00 AM to official sunset, Monday - Saturday and 10:00 AM to
official sunset on Sunday. -
A member is responsible for the actions of their guest.
No children (under 18) are permitted on any range except when directly supervised by their parent or
guardian. -
Ranges will be closed during maintenance and/or work parties.
Ranges will be closed during Board approved shoots.
No alcohol or drugs on any ranges.
No smoking on any firing line.
If you do not have a chamber flag for your pistol or rifle, Columbia Fish & Game have provided yellow zip-ties throughout the club ranges for use as chamber flags. The chamber flag rule does not apply to holstered, personal defense firearms. If a handgun is holstered it is considered to be safe. Safety is our highest priority and these rules will be strictly enforced.
Be aware that we have installed security cameras at the pistol ranges, the rifle range, and the indoor range. Club officers monitor these cameras regularly and if violations are discovered the member found violating the rules will be notified to attend and upcoming board meeting to be given a hearing. The board will then determine the appropriate action to be taken.
As a self-policing club, in alignment with Pennsylvania's S.P.O.R.T. initiative (Sportsmen Policing Our Ranks Together), it is your duty to be aware of all rules while on club grounds. If you see a violation of the rules, you can ask to see the membership card of the violator and submit their name to a club officer. If one of the club officers sees the violation you could lose your membership privileges. We will not tolerate continuing safety and rule violations as this places the entire club at risk if there is an incident related to mishandling of firearms.
Three Primary Firearms Safety Rules
- Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
- Keep the gun unloaded until you are ready to shoot.