The shoot will consist of 5 man, 25 target events, and pumpkin pies will be awarded per event: High score and shooter that breaks the green target. High score ties will be decided by a drawing. Shooting fee will be $10.00 per event. Squad sign-up will begin at...
No registration required, but the event is open to the public. Squad signup starts at 9:30AM and the shoot starts at 10AM. For a cost of $8 per 25 clay targets, each shooter will shoot at 25 clay targets on a squad of 5 people. Each squad can win 2 pies, one for high...
This will be the annual training meeting for Hunter-Trapper Education instructors for this district. We need the clubhouse from 8:00-10:00 AM on March 4
This is a six-hour training class required by law for all first-time hunters and trappers before they can buy a license. You must pass a certification exam at the end of the class to complete this training. You must register on the PGC website. Important In order to...
Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm Officer Chad Nagle of the East Hempfield Police Department will be giving a presentation entitled: Preparedness and Response to Active Assailants. With so many “active shooter” events, the more we know how to react in such situations, the...