Pumpkin Pie Shoot 2023 (Public Event)

Pumpkin Pie Shoot 2023 (Public Event)

The shoot will consist of 5 man, 25 target events, and pumpkin pies will be awarded per event: High score and shooter that breaks the green target. High score ties will be decided by a drawing. Shooting fee will be $10.00 per event. Squad sign-up will begin at...
Pumpkin Pie Shoot 2023 (Public Event)

Pumpkin Pie Shoot 2022 (Public Event)

No registration required, but the event is open to the public. Squad signup starts at 9:30AM and the shoot starts at 10AM. For a cost of $8 per 25 clay targets, each shooter will shoot at 25 clay targets on a squad of 5 people. Each squad can win 2 pies, one for high...
PA Hunter-Trapper Instructor Training Course (Indoor Range Closed)

PA Hunter-Trapper Education Course (Indoor Range Closed)

This is a six-hour training class required by law for all first-time hunters and trappers before they can buy a license. You must pass a certification exam at the end of the class to complete this training. You must register on the PGC website. Important In order to...